Exploring the World of AI Art Generators

This website was developed as a final project for an Information Technology course at the School of Information at Pratt Institute. In addition to being students at the SI school, we are all artists, and so we were interested in emerging technology in Artificial Intelligence and art generators. We feel that there are potential positive aspects to AI in artwork and we chose to focus on the possibilities afforded by AI artwork generators, as well as examine issues relating to ownership and copyright.

We concluded that AI can serve to support and expand the creativity of artists and is likely to change the field and how people work. There are legitimate concerns about how AI will impact the field and whether the changes will be positive or negative, but it is too soon to say what the exact outcome will be. Legal precedents in the art world and the current view of AI art in copyright law in the US demonstrate a need to address tensions between artistic freedom and ownership. It is imperative that US copyright law is adapted with considerations of the input of all creators for the protection and promotion of artistic expression.

About the Authors

Sara Sarmiento is a Masters of Library and Information Science student at Pratt Institute. She received a BA from Sarah Lawrence in Latin American studies, political science and visual arts, and has an MFA in comics and cartooning from the Center for Cartoon Studies, where she also undertook an independent study in book binding and repair at the library of neighboring Dartmouth College. She is a recipient of the 2014 April Fog Memorial Pinball Scholarship for her MFA thesis packaging design, and the 2017 bronze medalist for the Comics Workbook Composition Competition. In addition to being a cartoonist and student, she works at ArtBridge, an arts nonprofit that puts artwork on scaffolding, as an administrator and graphic designer.

Mary Haws is a Masters of Science in Information Experience Design student at Pratt Institute's School of Information in Manhattan. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cognitive Sciences from Rice University in Houston, Texas, and is the Vice President of Communications for the Pratt chapter of the User Experience Professionals Association. In addition to working part time as a human-centered designer for EMPLOYERS Insurance, she is also a freelance graphic designer and artist. Her oil paintings were showcased at the 2022 FOCUS Show at the Art Center of Northern New Jersey.

Anjali Rao is a Masters of Science in Information Experience Design student at Pratt School of Information, Manhattan. She received her bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering in 2021 in Bangalore, India. In addition to being a full time student, she also freelances as a graphic designer and an illustrator. She has designed logos and created websites for start-ups based in Bangalore, India.