Exploring the World of AI Art Generators

Conflicts of these Controversies

1. Artist careers

Due to the quick onset of AI generated artwork in industries, artists fear losing jobs in this already unstable financial world. It is worrying that AI will make it easier for businesses to outsource needful jobs to cheap labor markets, depriving artists their chance to pursue a career.

2. Emotional aspect of artwork

AI generated artwork does not portray emotions or any sort of depth like an artist's work would. Artists create their work in order to portray feelings. While viewing a piece of work, onlookers understand and feel the depth in the work which can stir up emotions. However, this aspect cannot be felt as of now in AI generated artwork. The work feels flat with no actual meaning behind it. Emotions such as sentiment, and individuality can be seen in human artwork which cannot in AI generated artforms. This can be an argument that AI cannot replace artists.

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch, 1893 VS an AI generated image with the prompt: Screaming figure on a bridge in front of a sunset.

Here we have “The Scream” by Edvard Munch on the right. On the left is an AI generated image by Midjourney with the prompt: Screaming figure on a bridge in front of a sunset. We understand the emotions behind “The Scream”. We are able to feel the fear and depth that has been portrayed by the painting. On the other hand, although visually appealing, we do not actually understand the AI generated image without any context.

3. AI generators can cause lack of motivation to create handmade artwork

Having AI generators handy could potentially discourage people from creating art by themselves. A lot of AI generators are open and easy to use. They are pretty fast and just need a few prompts in order to create a whole image. This could potentially make artists lazy and unwilling to create an art piece by hand which could potentially take days when instead they could use AI generators which could take minutes.

4. Plagiarism and Copyrights

AI generators take images from already existing artwork on the internet which is usually created by human artists. Many artists have spotted parts of their work in AI generated images and AI system libraries. This brings up the question of plagiarism. It feels like AI does not create its own images but instead creates variations of already existing artwork. There have also been a lot of complaints about how they cannot opt out of this in order to safeguard their artwork.

AI can generate images quicker than a human artist, hence, sites have been flooded with these art pieces. This has resulted in banning AI work on sites.

-Anjali Rao